Motzei Shabbos Youth Learning
There are so many options for kids learning at BRS on Motzei Shabbos to choose from!

Avos Ubanim
Every Motzei Shabbos in the Sephardic Beit Midrash for fathers and sons. Check the Weekly for the start time each week.
Featuring raffles, prices, great learning and pizza!
Thank you to our 5785 Co-Sponsor, Eric & Lisa Pinkis in honor of their children Ariella, Aiden, Asher and Aitan; in appreciation of the BRS Rabbis, to the wonderful BRS Avos Ubanim children learning weekly, in memory of אסתר תהלה בת גבריאל פינחס, and as a zechus for Israel's continued success in this war, and a quick and safe return for all the hostages and IDF soldiers!
To sponsor, contact rkr@brsonline.org or go to brsonline.org/sponsor

Mother-Daughter Learning
Featuring great learning, snacks, prizes and pizza!
Dec. 14, 2024: Mrs. Sara Warman
Jan. 4, 2025: Mrs. Michal Schochet
Feb. 8, 2025: Mrs. Rebecca Sugerman
Mar. 1, 2025: Mrs. Ilana Bendel
The program is sponsored by Oppenheimer Law Firm in memory of Miriam’s mother, Rebbetzin Rebecca L. Shapiro, Zichrona L'vracha
For more info or to dedicate a week of learning, email Mrs. Margo Rosman, or Mrs. Miriam Oppenheimer

Veshinantam Levanecha
Veshinantam Levanecha is back for Season 25!! This year we will be hosting the best children/parent learning program in the Social Hall at BRS. Same great program…with LOTS OF SURPRISES!! Parents/Grandparents and children 9 and under are encouraged to attend our weekly family learning program. All you need to bring is something TORAH-related to study together (or a Jewish crafts activity for the younger ones).
We’ll supply the music, the refreshments, the raffles, the special new prizes!!
To sponsor, email Rabbi Josh Broide